Idaho Falls

Senior Citizens' Community Center

Welcome to the Idaho Falls Senior Citizens' Community Center, where our motto is "Service to Seniors." We have many services that we provide our community including our Congregate Nutrition Program, (In-House) where we serve meals at the Center every Monday through Friday from 11:00 am to 1 pm and our Home Delivered Meals Nutrition Program where we deliver approximately 220 hot meals daily during the week and cold meals for the weekend to home-bound seniors and disabled adults of Bonneville County, fit and fall proof classes, line dancing, woodcarving, all sorts of cards, and many other services. Please come by and visit with our friendly staff, enjoy a hot lunch and get involved with some of our activities, we would love to see you!
535 W. 21st Street
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Tel: 208-522-4357
OPEN Monday thru Friday
10:00am - 2:00pm
The best place for your best days
Volunteer Driver Opportunity's
If your passion is helping, especially helping seniors, please, consider giving an hour (or so) to help deliver meals. The Idaho Falls Senior Center is the local Meals on Wheels Nutrition Program. We deliver approximately 220 meals each day, Monday through Friday. Our vans and ovens are almost at their capacity!!! If you are looking for something to do that rewards your heart, give us a call. You would use your own vehicle, can receive mileage reimbursement, be 18 or older, possess a current driver's license, provide proof of liability insurance and have reliable transportation. Would deliver about a dozen meals in a small area. You would chose your day, or days, you would like to volunteer. Time would be about an hour somewhere between 10:45 am to 12:30 pm. We would love to have local business be involved in serving our community as well. Please, call 208 522-4357 to set up a time to stop by the Center at 535 W 21st Street Idaho Falls ID 83402.

We are open to the public.
Mon, Thursday, & Fri 10am to 2pm. Tue-Wed 10am-4pm
Sometimes we close early or may be closed for inclement weather, and all major holidays.
Come and join us for some programs and lunch!!

Our Volunteer Drivers
Dave Noble,
Steve Stowell, Johannah Thompson, Jeffrey Socher, Moira Solle, Lisa Humphrey, Melissa K.
Roger Kuhl, Don Yeager, Robert Pierce,
Jordan Homer,
Would you like to help?

We love volunteers! There is always so much to do at the center, and we don't always have enough people to get it all done. So if you can give us some of your time, we would love to have it. Just stop by or give us a call and we will put you to work.

We are an extremly fun group at the Senior Center! We all like to keep active by participating in our favorite activity, whether that be playing bridge or pinochle, getting some great exercise in one of our fit and fall proof classes. Want to learn more? Please click 'Read more' below.

Rental Information
We rent out the center Monday Thru Thursday from 5:30pm to 10pm. Click on the link below to take you to the page to fill out the application. We can fit 200 people in the event center and have tables and chairs available for that many people. We need one month notice for any rentals.

Although we receive funding from several agencies, and apply for grants for specific uses, the truth of the matter is the combined total is far from enough to pay for the programs and services we provide for our community's senior population. We need to raise an additional $40,000, or more, each year from other sources. If you would like to donate to the center please click the 'Donate' button to the right. Thank you for your support!
Please make checks payable to: